Monday, May 13, 2019

It is Anything BUT Routine.

Routine maintenance…we are told how important it is.  Intellectually, we know that our vehicles will stay on the road longer if we pay attention to these two important words.  There are times, however when unexpected car issues will arise, and every vehicle will display certain warning signs.  Our mission is to reduce the potential for breakdown, and expensive repairs.

Here are some common car problems that arise –

1.  Number one these days is the check engine light.
2.  Your car’s engine is sputtering.
3.  The MPG is down noticeably.
4.  The brakes are squealing or grinding.
5.  Your steering wheel is shaking.
6.  You notice that the transmission has started slipping.

This, and other issues are the ones we troubleshoot here at Jim’s Auto Service.  Jim started our company decades ago on the premise that we will repair any and all automobiles, SUVs, and vans be they foreign or domestic on the roads of Raleigh NC.  Jim’s Auto Service is located at 3711 Tarheel Dr.  Call ahead and we’ll get you in right away at (919) 824-4566.   

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Stay Safe by Stopping on a Dime.

Your vehicle’s brakes are what keeps you from an unmitigated disaster on the highways and bi-ways of the Raleigh area.  Look, listen, and learn.  When are your brakes going bad?  You need to know what to look for and what to listen to in determining if it is time to visit your favorite auto mechanic to have your car’s brakes replaced.

First, check for wear by looking at your brake pads through the spaces between the wheel's spokes.  Generally, there should be at least 1/4 inch of pad.  If you see less than 1/4 inch of pad, you may want to have your brake pads inspected or replaced.  Secondly, if you hear a high-pitched screeching sound when you apply your brakes there may be danger ahead.

Your family’s safety is at stake here!  If you live anywhere in the Raleigh area call Jim’s Auto Service immediately to make an appointment at their location on 3711 Tarheel Drive.  Jim and his crew have worked on just about every make and model on the road and will have you back there safely in no time.  Just call (919) 824-4566.