Tuesday, December 5, 2017

You are NOT too Busy to Keep your Car on the Road.

During the busy holiday season you may not be thinking about keeping your vehicle properly serviced.  The truth is, you need your car more than ever this time of year.  It had better start and keep running all the way to grandma’s house!  Not only is a break-down inconvenient, but in ever-changing weather it could be downright dangerous.

When was the last time you had your battery checked?  When was the last time you had your vehicle’s oil changed?  When was the last time your tires were checked?  I know…nag, nag, nag, but it is for your own good and the safety of your family.  Before it gets away from you why not have a check-up on your car?

The ultimate shade-tree mechanic in the Raleigh area is Jim Liacos.  Jim does it all on just about every make and model out there.  Jim is the owner of Jim’s Auto Service.  He and his team are Raleigh North Carolina’s complete vehicle care and maintenance specialists.  Call for an appointment today at his 3711 Tarheel Drive location (919) 824-4566.

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